What does the United States export?

United States export levels not only have a significant weight in the world economy. They also cause a rebound effect can be positive or negative for the place of destination. Have you read media and newspapers daily? United States is a relevant economy. In this post we give you some details of what the United States exports.
The best business partners (as sellers and buyers) in the United States are Mexico and Canada which are representing 30% of total exports. China is still in third position.

Relevant sectors in American exports

If we had to highlight some sectors that focus exports from the United States abroad, we would say these four industries: 
  1. Machines. Assuming 25% of exports.
  2. Parts and spare parts of transport vehicles. Representing 16%.
  3. Chemical products. With a representation of 13%.
  4. Energy. Represented with 4%.

Our location in Florida. A door with exterior

Lamaignere USA is located in the state of Florida, more specifically in Miami. One of the most relevant geographical points of the United States in order to manage merchandise by air and sea. Florida is one of the leading states in foreign trade, located in the "top 10" of American states that are more commercial. This state has better figures than Georgia or South Carolina. However, others states have great indicators such as: Texas, New York, Louisiana, Kentucky, New York or California.
In this sense, we encourage you to get in touch with us and, consequently, having some advices of our team of professionals if you plan to export from the United States.


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