We are AEO. Professionals in customs procedures

“Customs clearance is key to the agility and transit of international operations with Spain.”

At Lamaignere Spain we recommend that for an international sale and purchase operation to end well and not be a failure, it is best to get advice from a good team of customs professionals.

For this reason, we are constantly updating our databases in order to provide you with useful information on international laws and thus help you in the success of your international operations. We process all types of documentation at the different customs offices to speed up the transit of your goods.

We also maintain the necessary contacts with consulates and Chambers of Commerce to request and formalise the necessary documents for the authorisation of your exports.



What are the advantages of working with Lamaignere?

We are an Authorised Economic Operator

Lamaignere, as an Authorised Economic Operator (AEO), offers a series of advantages such as: fewer physical and documentary checks, priority in these checks and prior notifications in the physical examination. We are one of the pioneering companies in Spain to obtain this certification, obtained in 2012.


Fewer physical and documentary checks

Fewer physical and documentary checks

Priority on physical and documentary checks

Priority on physical and documentary checks

Centralised national dispatch

Centralised national dispatch

Facilities for simplified customs procedures

Facilities for simplified customs procedures


News and articles about Lamaignere



Contact us

Lamaignere, for the second consecutive year, continues planting trees.

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Lamaignere successfully approves the AEO revaluation and reaffirms the quality of its customs services

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Lamaignere invests in zero-emission services for its customer Airbus

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Fundacion Lamaignere

The solidarity side of logistics

Green Plan