What does MRO mean with the aeronautical sector?

It is quite possible that in news, bulletins and media you have heard about the term MRO. But what does MRO mean? What is the origin of this concept? 
MRO is nothing more than the acronym that results from Maintenance, Repairs and Operations. This concept is employed in the aeronautical industry to define the entire sequence of steps and activities which pursue the clear goal of preserving the perfect condition of aircraft. In other words, maximizing the useful life of the product as well as minimizing possible costs associated with the breakdown.
The MRO also encompasses administrative and management tasks. In the case of Lamaignere, as specialists in aeronautical logistics, we have a consolidated experience in the maintenance of aircraft associated with leading companies within this sector. Therefore, for us it is a concept familiar.

How it should be a logistics operator in order to operate properly in the aeronautical industry?

  • Having a team of professionals with knowledge in aeronautics. It is essential. In fact, it is the key and essential factor so that the logistics associated with this type of operations can be a success.
  • Having a network of own offices that coordinate all traffic. Although you can work with partners, it is always advisable that the same company is is present at the origin and destination. In order that before possible contingencies, the answer is agile.
  • Complementary to the previous point, being part of associations or networks composed with companies that are active participants in the sector. In our case, we are part of the ALN, a network with companies specialized in the aerospace industry which contains a series of guidelines and quality guarantees.


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