The U.S.A. stands nowadays as the main importer power and as the second largest exporter in the world. The United States are fully convinced that the trade is the key for the economical growth. The U.S.A. is a clear example of a globalized economy.
Its foreign trade reach a 30% of its GDP. Hence, it is convenient to know who are the main trade partners regarding its imports and exports.
Main trading partners of the U.S.A.
According to collected data, 60% of the U.S.A. foreign trade transactions lie mainly with Europe, Canada, Mexico, China, Japan and Korea, which turns them into the main trading partners in the U.S.A. foreign trade.
Regarding to exports, Canada and Mexico rank 34,2% of the total, followed by Europe with 22.1%. It is also worth mentioning China's average annual growth of 8% in 15 years.
Figures rise in Canada, Mexico and China to USD 266.827 millions, USD 230.959 millions and USD 116.072 millions, respectively.
Regarding to imports, Mexico and Canada account for 26.1 % of the total, China ranks first with a volume of 21.1% of the total whereas Japan accounts for 8%.
In China, imports reached USD 462.813 millions, followed by Mexico and Canada, that reached USD 294.151 millions and USD 278.067 millions, respectively.
It is notable that Spain holds 11st place of the U.S.A. foreign trade partners, with exports outstripping USD 10.373 millions and imports reaching USD 13.468 millions.
Which are the main exports and imports of the U.S.A.?
Main exports are capital goods (35.7%) and intermediate products (27.3 % of the total).Of particular significance are the exports of
aeronautical equipment, agricultural products, car parts and accesories, consumer goods, petroleum oils, telephones, computers, etc.
Regarding to imports, the capital goods sector ranks first, accounting for 27% of the total and it is followed by the intermediate products, that account for 20.3% . Other important imports are found in the automotive industry, agricultural products, consumer goods, crude oils, telephones, computers, etc.
Lamaignere, a logistics group with experience in transactions between those countries.
Roughly speaking, these are the main trading partners in the first power in the world. It can be seen that there is a great opportunity for traders who want to arrange commercial transactions among the main U.S.A. partner countries.
At Lamaignere we know these demands and we have been offering our
freight transport service to exporters and importers in the main strategic markets such as the U.S.A., Mexico, Europe, Korea and Chile, countries where we are also physically present to provide a more complete and personalized service.