Structure and types of trucks in the international road transport of goods

In the land transport of goods it is essential to know the structures and types of existing trucks. Depending on the nature of the goods, characteristics or route, it is necessary to use one or another truck to optimize the road transport.

Types of structures in trucks

Rigid structure: The truck is a single piece (cabin and trailer). It is the most common in the urban distribution of goods.
Articulated structure: The types of trucks whose structure is articulated are composed of one or more rigid structures that are joined through an axis. Within this category we can find the trailer and the road train.
Trailer: It consists of a cabin plus a semi-trailer for the goods. Both separately can not perform their mission (transport the cargo).
Road train: A type of structure that combines the rigid structure plus a semi-trailer. Unlike the trailer, the road train can be detached from the semi-trailer and be able to load goods into the rigid structure.

Types of trucks

Open platform: generally used for the transport of bulky and heavy goods or containers. This platform can be opened completely or semi-open with laterals.
Closed truck: it is the standard truck, a rigid structure whose merchandise is deposited in the trailer through the rear doors.
Refrigerated truck: it is used for those goods to which they must travel at a controlled temperature to maintain the quality of the load. For this it has the cabin and an isothermal box.
Tank truck: these are the so-called tank truck. It is used for the transport of goods in liquid and gaseous state.
Truck with tarpaulin: it is similar to the closed truck, but the structure of the trailer is not rigid, thus facilitating that the load can be deposited by other angles than the rear door.
Special trucks: they are types of trucks that have to be special and adaptable to a specific merchandise.
Armored truck: used to load very valuable merchandise, such as money and jewelry. For this, the trailer must be shielded and secure.
These are just some of the types of trucks that exist, each with a specific and determined purpose to a merchandise. Maintaining the quality of the merchandise and the efficiency of the operation is vital in road transport and choosing the right types of trucks is undoubtedly the best way to achieve both ends.


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