The photovoltaic industry and logistics

During the last decade, the Solar Energy industry has experienced unprecedented growth. In this year 2019 it is expected that the new installed photovoltaic power will grow by 18%. In general, this growth will be distributed geographically and in 45 countries the demand will grow more than 20% compared to the previous year.
Specifically in Spain, the sun tax imposed on self-consumption of photovoltaic electricity was abolished, which will give new impetus to decentralized installations. The Spanish government intends that by 2050, 100% of the electricity supply comes from renewable sources.
Efforts at European level to facilitate administrative and regulatory processes and the elimination of minimum import prices for photovaltic products will generate legal certainty and enhance self-consumption. All this establishes a propitious scenario so that in Spain photovoltaic solar energy has a leading role.

Types of companies that exist in the photovoltaic sector

  • Manufacturers of components (panels, trackers, etc.)
  • Dealers
  • Installers
  • Epicists
  • Developers

Main factors of photovoltaic logistics

  1. Distance: as a general rule, the materials to start up a photovoltaic plant are not always found in the place where the photovoltaic plant is going to be established, that is, all the components come from different countries and must be transported safely by a manager logistics that knows the particularities of the product.
  2. Combination of various modes of transport (maritime and land): there are various modes of transport, but undoubtedly in this case those that prevail are land and sea transport, according to the characteristics of the photovoltaic industry are the most effective and appropriate .
  3. Peculiarity in the treatment of materials: some can be fragile and of great dimension, so it is necessary to know the details of their qualities and treatment before starting their transport.
  4. Feasibility and preliminary study before the execution of the project: it is necessary to make a report or report prior to the photovoltaic installation.
  5. Manage the tariff items, the transport flow and project coordination.
  6. Capacity of customs management in destination.
If we review the most important photovoltaic projects outside of Spain, we find that in South America important measures are being taken regarding this issue. It is predicted that Latin America will represent 7% of the global facilities in 2023, with Mexico, Brazil and Chile at the head, with 81% of the region's installed capacity.
From Lamaignere we have contributed to make it possible for this type of photovoltaic projects to be carried out thanks to the experience as a logistics operator.


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