Lamaignere confirms a new opening office in Alicante

Some days ago, Lamaignere confirmed a new opening office in Alicante where Lamaignere started 100 years ago. Therefore, this is an exciting and nostalgic project for us.
This office has a warehouse with more of 2500 square meters in order to increase our service of warehousing and logistics. Undoubtedly, our objective is to improve the national and international presence thanks to an effective and efficient ocean, air and road freight. Definitely, a complete integration of services Lamaignere in the main strategic points of Spain. In fact, Alicante is one of the most important points in Spain
People who is part of Lamaignere in Alicante is located in ¨Las Atalayas¨.
We coordinate a team with flexibility and integrative spirit, as well as consolidated experience in the sector in order to do exports and imports


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Fundacion Lamaignere

The solidarity side of logistics

Green Plan