Lamaignere Chile exports the so-called "fuel of the future" to the United Kingdom and Japan

At the end of March, Lamaignere Chile, with the great support of the Spanish team, coordinated the export of 50 units of the so-called "steel drums", with destination United Kingdom. These materials contain fuel made from hydrogen and produced in the first pilot plant in the world, located in the extreme south of Chile. This fuel is considered "of the future" as it is almost neutral in CO2 emissions.
Once again, the technical and professional assistance during the transportation, from origin to destination, was a key factor for this successful export. Parallel to this shipment, another shipment has been coordinated to Tokyo, Japan; with samples of the fuel produced from the same Chilean plant. In the operation, the complete process was carried out from the removal of the units in the plant, subsequent preparation and DG classification.
We are very proud of this type of operation. We became one of the pioneering companies in relation to green hydrogen-based fuel exports around the world.
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