Halal products, an opportunity for exporters and importers.

Currently, we live an increasingly intensified change in the percentage of different cultures within our societies. And  the muslim culture and religion happen to be the one who shows the greatest growth. It estimated that by 2070 it will be the largest culture in the world. At the moment, it registers a higher growth than two times the average population growth. 
Taking this into account, new paths are opened, which means, new market niches for entrepreneurs and one of them is the so called Halal products trade.
What are Halal products?
The word “Halal” stands for the processes allowed by the muslim religion. Although people tend to equate these processes to food, the term applies for all daily actions, behaviours, dress codes, language, manners, etc.
Therefore, Halal products are those goods or services that can be consumed or used by the muslim community.  Non-Halal products are known as Haram, i.e. forbidden products.
Which food is forbidden?
Haram or illicit products for muslim people are as follows:
• Pork-based products.
• Blood.
• Alcohol.
• Rotten meat.
• Animals who have not been sacrificed in the name of God.
• Animals who have died by human or animal violence.
• The additives: E-472e, E-153, E-203, E-213, E-227, E-477, E-282, E-322, E-325, E-327, E-333, E-341b, E-341c, E-270, E-404, E-422, E-441, E-341a, E-470, E-326, E-471, E-472a, E-472b, E-472c, E-472d, E-473, E-474, E-120, E-475, E-476, E-481, E-482, E-483, E-542, E-626, E-627, E-628, E-629, E-631.
An opportunity beyond muslim culture...
As the saying goes: “When one door closes, another one opens...”
We live in an overwhelming society and we are not aware of all the chances that we have by only rising our heads and looking around us. Yes, all around us we can find an infinity of opportunities provided to us by our society. And that opportunity has everything to do with the muslim culture, a niche that relies on religion-approved goods: Halal products. 
This is an area where Lamaignere has already started a path and where we hold huge experience in both the exports and imports of these kind of products.
This is an opportunity for both the exporters and the importers, since there is a very large muslim community nowadays. It is estimated that by 2020 in the EU there will be more than a 4% of muslim population, rising to more than an 8% by 2050. By 2020, statistics talk about 1,5 millions muslim people in Spain.
Our specialized service for Halal products transport. A growing niche market.
At Lamaignere, we have a Halal freight and products transport division, with a detailed and specialized team in charge of ensuring that all of the muslim culture guiding principles are followed, avoiding any cross-contamination with illicit products.
If you are a company and you want to export or import Halal products to any part of the world, Lamaignere is a good opportunity for you.


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