Logistics and warehousing services

“We provide logistics and warehousing support in the United States for companies that want to do business. We have the resources to provide personalised service.”

Lamaignere USA offers the best alternatives for our clients' warehousing and logistics services in the United States. We have the capacity to manage goods in allied logistics platforms.
We currently have warehouses equipped for storage, with ample space in square meters in outdoor areas located in strategic points in Florida and other parts of the United States, where your merchandise can be stored safely, handled by a qualified team with infrastructure and state of the art technology.
We address today's distribution needs: lower end-point stock and higher product replenishment.






Want to know more?

We offer a wide range of logistics and warehousing services 

Maximising the use of resources, such as equipment, space, time and people, with greater efficiency and lower operating costs means that our customers have a competitive warehousing service. We offer solutions to clients in all sectors

Modern logistics platforms in the United States

Modern logistics platforms in the United States

Lashing, loading and unloading service

Lashing, loading and unloading service

Use of technological tools in our warehouses

Use of technological tools in our warehouses

24/7 surveillance and security cameras in our warehouses

24/7 surveillance and security cameras in our warehouses

Are you interested in our logistics services?

Some news related to our logistics services

We share you some news related to our logistics services. You can contact us.

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Lamaignere, for the second consecutive year, continues planting trees.

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Lamaignere invests in zero-emission services for its customer Airbus

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Lamaignere inaugurates its new and modern facilities in the United States

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Fundacion Lamaignere

The solidarity side of logistics

Green Plan